Get Started

All I can do for strangers to my blog is, introduce myself by rewinding all the 22 years that I happened to witness in this world of wonders.I know, the biography of an ordinary person never finds a sizeable interest of others.But mind you friends, I confide, this ordinary person will sooner be an extraordinary person, do not ask me how?.
Future is unpredictable but at the same time nothing is impossible.
Ha ha.
Start reading this, you will end up finding a good person or who knows atleast a good friend.(I,ME MYSELF;-)).

Click Here To Rewind My 22 Years & (Scroll down after page load)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rewind 22 yrs-part2

Hello Friends, today I `ve lined up my troops to resume where I have paused @ Rewind 22Years post. I will breathe a sigh of relief once I complete this pending work he he.

Well, where do I begin, better to start at the beginning! I still remember the first day of my college with a pack of shocks & surprises started at the Administrative block of my college. Fashionably!  my goodness, what a pleasure it was, meeting all fresh faces at one hall made for the students of Information Technology in the First years special Block. That day, I did not expect I would make these many friends from the same classroom. Wow.

I was Outsmarted many a times in the same room. Everyday, I used to sense a fragility that worries me, yes a fragility to face ragging. Hence forth, I used to dwell in many tricks to escape from this evil, though caught a few times. Run little rabbit, run!! Now & then I made a proper idiot out of me. Silly & funny days those were.

Many bunks made us have fun at snow world, Treasure Island, ocean park, cave carting, dhabas at medchal, movies often on Fridays & Tuesdays to escape from the mechanical drawing classes he he. Birthday parties  that covered the most beautiful places of Hyderabad. I have a huge collection of snapshots of our odysseys. Most engaging n very clever we were. J

Fun in the class, fun at the mechanical workshop & c programming lab. Freshers party at 10D! Silver Jubilee celebrations of our MVSR College.
Wow fun masti everywhere in the first year. Blimey, amidst the joy, exams used to hit us like an untold storm. Keeping aside fun, one day batting before exams with short-listed important questions told by vamshi, my friend, we used to easily manage & get through the exams with very decent score often J!! All our happiest hours fly the fastest, as is the case with our first year, passed away as easy as winking.

Sooner, I was into the second year that showed different new shades of people as we turned to seniors now. That was our turn as the seniors to bang the freshers paying them the due amount of ragging he he. The following months it was our turn to throw them a freshers party. It was this moment that brought in entire new shades of people into lime light.

Mysterious things Time & Money. Both these things change people a lot, Money is the best catalyst that stimulate the bad corners in ones personality. Dunoo, why people have so stinky affliction to money.Huff. We've all got both light n dark inside of us, what matters is the part we choose to act on.

What so ever may be the reason, people around me really changed a lot after this party. So to say, our class was almost divided into 3 to 4 groups. Loads of cold wars ran between us & then nothing was the same again, not even traces. I pity the wrong side. Things we loose have a  way of coming back to us in the end, but  not always in the way we expect.

Every semester, we had one not the other thing to celebrate like the National Level Technical Fest, Cultural fest, Desi Day, Annual Day, huff it was the most happening time. We were not just confined to these things, we attended fests at various prestigious institutes of India. We were always forefront in different walks of life subjected to good global exposure. Here, I must not forget to mention, Remarkable day, that was when our team won the third prize in the event Panorama at Transition 2009 held by Cognizant Technologies, most enlightened & happiest souls we were then J.

In the following semester, Industrial tour gave us one more stake to have a deal more of cold wars. The willing went & the unwilling left behind, people had their own justified reasons though. I was amongst the Unwilling, Anyhow we have fulfilled that tour with the Kerala tour in the final semester. I believe fun & peace co-exists where good friends assemble, we had much more adventurous enjoyment than we actually dreamt off in Kerala. For more details regarding our tour, best browse the following pages-

The best & the most useful episode of my engineering was the on-campus placements. Regarding this episode, you may better click the following link.

On a whole, I am done with my B.E (I.T), 2006-2010, from M.V.S.R Engineering college, Hyderabad successfully. When I look back, I find equal amounts of good & evil which were momentous in making a better-me, a more efficiently stronger person than yesterday. I have learned to cook , live alone & learned a lot more about life. Every bad period taught me a good lesson & the more mature one I am todayJ. Life is a climb, but the view is great J.

Finally, now, I have two doors almost open for my future.
1)Job @ Cognizant Technologies
2)M.S(c.s) at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. I am waiting for my U.S visa, which has been put under hold for Administrative Processing of Section 221(g) since 3 weeks L. Once this visa is issued, I will fly to the USA, early August 2010 to begin a new Chapter in my Life.

I hope, fate favors me this time at least & dwell in the best things possible
And above all I wish to change a lot, wanna seriously become emotionally extinct.Wish me goodluck


  1. all the best rakesh..hope we find a new u...:)but b the same with us....

  2. he he..ok ok.change is only for those who changed..not for the else others

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


Why This Blog??

As I always feel, These Modern day Wonders Never cease to amaze me. Here & then, I find many things that Amaze me and on seeing such things, I always end up-"Dumbstruck".

I thought of making an Agglomeration of all that amused me.When I write/develop/create something that impresses my senses, I want them to be published, just to show world what I am impressed off & & ultimately, I await the same impressive response to reverberate.

So, Here it is.:-)

Needless to say, this Blog has been Momentous to me from the day one.On the contrary, I hope,it doesn`t appear Obnoxious to you all.

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